thoughts on truth peace & freedom

If you would like to speak your mind, pick up some loud and proud designs from The Zazzle Freedom Cooking Store for bags, t-shirts, hats and more to help spread the message of Freedom!

Thank You so much and God Bless You!


All Out Truth

By Freedom Cooking*


Above Is Not Below - why I am free

“Whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe in a Creator or not, you had better start. Without a Creator, without Creator endowed unalienable rights, you are nothing, NOTHING, this nation is nothing, the Constitution is nothing, the Declaration of Independence is nothing, our forefathers were wackos, and this great nation and the freedom and liberties and opportunities that come with it will crumble around your feet. Because without a Creator and Creator endowed unalienable rights, you are no better than the cockroach who lives under your sink. Without God you have no protection.

Without a Creator, man is on the same footing and the same basis as any other animal, an insect and fish, any plant on this earth, and is subject to the laws of the jungle. And anyone who is strong enough or cunning enough to enslave man is entitled to do so under those circumstances. For it was the statement, that there is a Creator and that Creator has given man unalienable rights, that set man free for the first time in the history of the world.

For that is the cornerstone. That is the foundation upon which the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and this Nation rest, and without it, it will all crumble to nothing. All of it will crumble into dust beneath your feet and will become as nothing.” - William Cooper



Nature Talk

The Nature Talk videos by Freedom Cooking with most recent episode on top*


Unmasking The Hive Mind - short trailer

If you find the current lockdown lacking in reason, science, common sense and regard for human freedom, you are not alone! On the other hand, what this type of social CONditioning has in abundance is Hive Mind indoctrination! It is a program used to dehumanize members of groups, organizations, or entire societies into swarm-like behavior. It instills in people the false notion that to elevate the group, the individual must be destroyed. Please be aware of it and don't let it convert you into a hive insect.



Hive Mind - end goal of CONvid CONditioning

How can you tell if you have already been caught by the Hive Mind?

- Do you want to be like everyone else?

- Are you signing up to be a contact tracer?

- Are words true because of who says them?

- Would you call authorities on your neighbor?

- Are you critical of those with or without masks?

- Do you feel any group guilt for what you didn’t do?

- Is majority opinion superior to individual free choice?

- Are others more “essential” than you and your family?

- Does forced quarantine of healthy people make sense?

- Do you class or judge others by what they cannot control?

- Has the group’s sentiment become your filter for world views?

- Do you believe in mandatory participation or binding collectives?

- Are permits, limits and taxes justifiable on things you are born to do?

- Is having more precautionary control better than more innocent freedom?

- Are you easily suggestible to react with crude, primitive and extreme emotions?

If you answered Yes to above questions, you may already be partially a hive insect.

The unfortunate side effects of this condition may include:

- Loss of reason, confidence, imagination and physical ability

- Destruction of one’s personality and conscience

- Total surrender of individual human freedom

- Life of misery, oppression, and regrets

- Premature death by the hive

Why do so many people still accept this CONfusing lockdown for a "flu-like virus"? How can there now be an essential and non-essential person class? Does social distancing also improve the accuracy of cell phone tracking? Will contact tracing with spies and informants be the "new normal"? Do you see our individual human rights being violated by those who swore to uphold them? Is this a pandemic, plandemic or a scamdemic? Are mandatory vaccines, biometric chip surveillance, food shortages, or economic depression with mass unemployment, riots, looting, destroyed lives and businesses next in our future? Remember, you will always recognize the CON jobs of CONspiring CONnivers by their trail of plunder and carnage that is sadly CONsistent with their only abilities and beliefs.

In the end, all of these things are just a small introduction to what their new "stronger together" hive mind society will look like. It is then, when most people defend and worship their hive, that the long veil of secrecy will finally be lifted. Tyranny will be practiced openly and viciously because at this point, humanity will already be blind to their oppressor.

Let two wasps take you on a journey back in time to see just how we got here, where we are heading, and how to start living as we were all born to be, free and independent.

Featuring the bald-faced hornets.



New World Order - now unfolding worldwide

"Anytime any system makes you dependent upon anybody or anything or any system, you are enslaved. Understand that. Doesn't have to be chains of iron, you don't have to be hanging up on a wall. You just have to be obligated, that's all it takes." - William Cooper

Those quietly pulling the strings causing terror, wars, human injustice, manipulation, enslavement and death are the same who then proclaim a new world order to make it all go away. Their atrocities serve as a form of psychic driving, further aligning the broken public to their plan.

Think about this level of evil-minded, inhumane ruthlessness for a minute.... as such extreme destruction, in stark contrast to human creation, is a dead giveaway about them and their real goal for humanity.

Fortunately, people don't need their 'help' because only self-empowerment can heal those who are victimized. Giving power away will always do the opposite, exactly how the original problem started. At this very late stage, one cannot afford to make such mistakes again. Instead, cultivating self-determination may be the best way to permanently restore freedom.

Featuring the gray catbird, doves, sparrows, and a phoebe.


9/11 - real Truth makes you stronger

9/11 - Finding the truth honors the victims, prevents further death and restores freedom.

Dr. Judy Wood, with her extensive, pertinent and uncompromising scientific expertise, is the only person to date that was able to conduct, publish and file in court as part of a federal qui tam case, the most comprehensive investigation of what actually happened to the World Trade Center complex. The information presented in the book "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11" has NOT been invalidated by anyone to date. To see it right now, click here:


War - why is this still a thing - real reasons

"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave." - Roy Batty in The Blade Runner.



My Soul - motivation & self-worth

Having faith when things get desperate and difficult. Inner talk to overcome fear and stop feeling down or anxious. Inspiration for being strong, confident and hopeful.

Featuring spring flowers.



Healing Within - I heal myself or I'm not healed

"The number one thing people can do is get their own house in order and you have to do that not only through knowledge but through self work." - Mark Passio

Featuring mushrooms. This is entertainment only, not information, not advice. Consult your health care provider.



This Is Not It - how to be free

Lies can't destroy freedom, but those acting on lies can and do, every day.

Featuring colorful autumn leaves, fall foliage.



By Design - why we have issues

"I found out something I never knew. I found out that my world was not the real world." – Robert F. Kennedy, 1968.

Featuring lichens and mosses.



Order Follower - finding true destiny

No rationalization can embellish an action that violates the rights of another.

Featuring the gray squirrel and black-capped chickadees.



Mind Control - how to spot & stop

Knowing our source, we know our true nature.

Featuring the solitude of snowy winter.



Value of Time - truth vs illusion

What do I do? I'm in the business of living.

Featuring the barred owl.



Voting - don't get fooled again

When elections come around, is delegating one's power away to others the best choice of action? What about personal empowerment instead? Would individuals and their community gain more strength, freedom and ability to directly represent who they truly are?

Featuring young red foxes.



Slavery of Fear - breaking the cycle

Turning away from fear and towards what we love is the path to freedom.